– Coach Tim Fries

Our high-intensity, drill camp not only focuses on improving your player's on-court skill set, but also builds character and confidence needed to become a top level athlete both on and off the court.
We help players improve: shooting, ball handling, decision making, footwork, leadership and more.
Our mission is to emphasize the importance of teamwork above all else, in a fun and organized learning environment.

Camp Information
Our camp is for 1st – 8th grade boys of all skill levels.
The 5-day camp runs from June 3 – 7, 2024.
AM Camp Schedule
1st - 4th Graders
AM Camp 8:00am – 10:30am
Arrival Time for AM Session
The gym will open every day at 7:45am. Please do not drop off your child prior to 7:45 as there will not be adequate supervision, as the staff will be preparing for the days’ activities.
Pick-up Time for the AM Session
All campers must be picked up by 10:30am. The coaching staff will be breaking for lunch before the afternoon session and there will be NO supervision in the gym. Thank you for making the proper arrangements to ensure that your son is picked up by 10:30am.
PM Camp Schedule
5th - 8th Graders
PM Camp 11:30am – 3:30pm
Arrival Time for PM Session
The gym will open every day at 11:15am. Please do not drop off your child prior to 11:15 as there will not be adequate supervision, as the staff will be eating lunch and preparing for the days’ activities.
Pick-up Time for the PM Session
All campers must be picked up by 3:30pm. There are other teams that have scheduled the gym immediately after our camp. Also, many players and coaches will be leaving for summer league games. Therefore there will be no supervision in the gym. Thank you for making the proper arrangements to ensure your son will be picked up on time.
Concession Stand
There will be a concession stand for the campers. All items will be $1.00. Items will include Gatorade, candy, and snacks. Campers will have mandated breaks in which they can eat snacks.
What To Bring
Each camper should bring enough water to last them the entire camp session. Individual water bottles and Gatorade will be available for $1.00.
Campers may bring a snack. Individually wrapped snacks will be available at the camp concession stand for $1.00.
Campers should be dressed for basketball. Proper shoes, please.
Please mark all items with your
son's name.
Championship Friday
Parents are encouraged to attend our “Championship Friday” awards presentation. This presentation will take place 30 minutes prior to the end of camp. Each camper will be recognized and some will receive individual and team awards.
Camp T-shirts
All camp t-shirts will be distributed on Friday. The t-shirt will be made of a dri-fit material.
Camp Ball
All campers will take a basketball home with them on Friday.
Camp Gift
Each camper will receive a camp gift on Friday.
Sibling Discount
For those siblings attending camp, 1st sibling is full price, any additional siblings will be $50! Must have the siblings in the cart at the same time to receive the discount.
Cancellation Policy
There is a $15.00 cancellation for any registered camper.

Meet the staff

Coach Tim Fries
has been the head coach of the Miamisburg Vikings for the past 16 seasons. Coach Fries' teams play unselfish basketball punctuated by fundamental play and toughness. Coach Fries has been named the GWOC Coach of the Year five times and has won more basketball games than any other coach in Miamisburg boys' basketball history.

Coach Chris Johnson
has been an assistant varsity coach for the past 14 seasons. He has been instrumental in the development of the "hustle makes it happen" culture of the boys' basketball team.

Coach Rex Gardecki
is a Miamisburg legend that holds the all-time scoring and rebounding records at Miamisburg. Rex served as a Captain for the Dayton Flyers and has been an influential member of Southwest Ohio basketball for over 30 years. He earned two Southwest Ohio Coaches Association Assistant Coach of the Year awards while on the Vikings staff. Currently, you can hear Coach Rex on WHIO co-hosting Flyer Feedback after UD games.